Category: ICM 513 – Content Strategy

  • Showcasing community: A new content strategy for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes

    Showcasing community: A new content strategy for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes

    Located in western Montana and extended into parts of Idaho, British Columbia, and Wyoming, the Flathead Reservation houses three tribes, the Bitterroot Salish, Upper Pend d’Oreille, and the Kootenai people. The tribal community, being rich in history, places its proud heritage at the base and epicenter of all ways of life. Looking to spread awareness…

  • Blurred ethics: The grey area of Native Advertising

    Blurred ethics: The grey area of Native Advertising

    A simple Google search of the term “Native Advertising” will provide you with a generic dictionary definition of: “Material in an online publication which resembles the publication’s editorial content but is paid for by an advertiser and intended to promote the advertiser’s product.” Yet, what does this mean broken down into simple terms and why does…

  • SellMyApp: A content alignment summary

    SellMyApp: A content alignment summary

    This week, I was tasked with an area of content strategy I have never explored before, content alignment. In other words, I looked at SellMyApp, a marketplace for selling and buying mobile source code, and analyzed the message, style, tone, and voice of the website to determine if it was effective in meeting user needs…

  • Reporting on content analysis: The Coral Reef Alliance

    Reporting on content analysis: The Coral Reef Alliance

    Introduction For me, each week throughout my graduate school journey has challenged me in a different way to fully apply myself to both topics old and new. This week, I dove into something completely new and complex and conducted my very own website content audit on a non-profit called the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL). In…

  • Content strategy: It takes a village

    Content strategy: It takes a village

    When I first heard the term “content strategy” I simply thought it meant quickly creating and coming up with content to help businesses achieve their financial goals. Spoiler, I was mistaken. What seemed like an easy to deduce term, is actually quite complex and time-consuming. See, content strategy can actually be broken up into multiple…

  • We are all content creators at heart, whether we know it or not…

    We are all content creators at heart, whether we know it or not…

    My personal experience with content has been a grey area in my life that I never really knew how to define. I never thought through the lens of content and found myself recently asking, “Well, what even qualifies something as content in my life?” When I thought about it this way, I realized most of…